Thursday, 20 June 2019

Summer Projects

Developing my 'Theies Project : Time Tempoality'
We Started to pick companies to propose my project with the theme.
My theme could be understanding time from a different perspective.
(Slice, Connection)

Interested Projects
-Point Cloud Project
Capture not only the time capture the whole scene.
-openFramework Project
example - @zach.lieberman

-touchdesigner Project
-Controlling frequency project(light, sound)

Professor David recommended companies like Clock Brands,Instagram.

Clock brand (Qlocktwo,G-Shock,)
Ideas -
 1. Think of time as not an international time, think of it as a thing that has independent time for each project, For example, if I have a goal for the month, while time goes by it keeps getting its shape as time goes on.

 2. Why do we watch time? Starts with the idea of why do we watch the time.
We watch time cause we have something to do.

Monday, 3 June 2019

Zoetrope Fan

3D Zoetrope new 3D model Render

Using 3Ds max I have lined up 20framed animation, to print in the 3D printer(D500) on the 7th floor in IDAS. I had to remodel the shapes to give all the models to have a direction guider on the bottom of the models.

3D Zoetrope Fix

 I had a chance to show the 3D Zoetrope to my classmates (VR/AR). But when I showed my Zoetrope there was a problem. My 3D Zoetrope had blurred motion of the objects. I thought it was the light brightness problem. I thought the lights were too bright.

 But with Simons help, we found a way to solve this problem. It wasn't the brightness problem, it was the problem with the remnant of light. Simon got the idea from the camera's shutter. We had the keep the same Hrz of the strobe but had to reduce the remnant of light. Simon gave me the idea to code the on-time shorter and off time longer.

Thanks for the help of Simon, I could have solved the problem with the blurring Zoetrope.