Saturday, 28 September 2019

Concept of the prototype

저는 최종 프로젝트를 두 형태의 Zoetrope을 만들기로 했다. 첫째는 평면기반 Zoetrope으로 원판 형태로 구성된(어떠한 형태로 제작할지는 미정인 상태이다.) 물체 위에 12 프레임으로 구성된 애니메이션 또는 형태 변화를 제작할 예정이다. 

그러나 현재 가장 중요한 상업적인 작업물을 만들기 위해 브랜드 즉 기업을 선정하여 그에 맞춰진 작업물을 진행해야하나 기업 선정에 어려움을 선정하고 있다. 

I decided to make two forms of Zoetrope for the final project. The first is planar Zoetrope, which will produce animations or shape changes consisting of 12 frames on an object in the shape of a disc (which is undefined).

However, in order to make the most important commercial works at present, a brand or a company must be selected and the works that are aimed at the companies that are selected.

제품 예시: 시계, 자동차 바퀴, 청소기 롤러, 산업현장(안전)
Product examples: Clock, Car company (Customized wheel), construction company (safety signs, drill directions), Casino (roulette), Display (weather, Exit door, Animation to direct which way to go)

3D Zoetrope Design

이전에 진행해 왔던 Zoetrope의 형태는 원판 위에 오브제를 올려 놓는 형태로 구성되었다면 이와 다른 형태로 진행하기 위해 형태 디자인과 어떤 환경에서 이를 활용하는지를 고려하면서 새로운 형태를 고민하였다.

Zoetrope's form, which had been in progress before, consisted of placing an object on a disc, and considered a new form while considering the design and the environment in which it will be used to proceed to a different form.

Friday, 27 September 2019


Project one

This week I wanted to make the physical look of my thesis project. My previous project zeotrope had a limit that I wanted to solve. It had to have a physical model to bounce the light and make it look like a moving animation. I wanted to break the limit of the physical model.

I thought what if I can build a 3d printer with light. There is a zeotrope based fan zeotrope. But when I had a chance to look at the fan it was not enough. I wanted to put some depth on it. 

So I got the Idea of building it as a circle, arc or even bars ant arrange it in a circle to make it as a zeotrope

reference 1
reference 2
reference 3

Here are some of the physical looks that I have thought about.

look 1

look 2

look 3

Project two

Combining zeotrope with products

I thought about what if we can customize the ventilation fan to brands.

Friday, 20 September 2019

Getting ready for the Thesis Project

The theme of my thesis paper is to understand what we call 'Time' and how can we understand 'Time' in a world that is all connected. I started by researching the definition of time with various perspectives.

1. Understanding time in the Asian culture.
( Based on 홍성국 지음 [신비의 이론 사주궁합의 비밀을 밝힌다.] )
서양의 시계는 시점’ 위치에 숫자가 적혀있다.
- The clocks of the western cultures, numbers are written in the points of each section.
동양의 시계는 시점과 시점 사이에 숫자가 적혀있다.
- But in the eastern cultures, the numbers are written in the middle of each section.

2. Understanding time in Westen culture (Based on philosophers.)
(Have to arrange what I have studied)

3.  Keywords of my thesis: Light, Movement, Sustainable(Material of my time == Digital?)

Two tracks of the thesis I am thinking and have to pick.
1. Go by visualizing timeHow? I am thinking of picking a philosopher and visualizing the thoughts)
2. Making a sustainable project ( I think sustainable can link with temporality )

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

TouchDesigner Understanding

Learning the basic interface of touchdesigner by watching Norway Workshop 2015
This week I have the chance to learn COP.
COP is the tech of using 3D objects.



Friday, 6 September 2019

Practice Stereographic - Using 3Ds max Shadow

Understanding how shadow works

During the summer break, I had practice modelling Stereographic Sculptures. While modelling the sculpture I had to reference the shapes of Henry Segerman's works.

While I was modelling and rendering the shapes in the 3D graphics world there was a problem with the shape of the shadows. The problem that I had found was that some shadows were too blur. So I had a to look at how shadows shape work and found out that shapes of the shadow change by the lights size and the brightness.

How to calculation the blurriness of the shadow in "VRAY Rernder"
Understanding how to make the shadows the Shape that I want I modelled the shapes in various shapes.